The Albion Theatre Company team standing in a field

About Us

Unity Through Artistry

Reviving connections

Albion, formerly known as 2m Theatre, emerged from the aftermath of Covid, seeking to rejuvenate the communal experiences lost during the pandemic. Theatre, for us, is a tool to unite communities, letting hearts resonate in unison, embodying the belief that shared art can transform the world. Our outdoor performances exemplify this philosophy. The uniform lighting and shared environment blur the lines between the audience and performers, fostering a collective experience in a shared space.

Albion prioritises accessibility and relevance. Our contemporary, lively productions maintain the essence of classic tales, reaching audiences in familiar spaces. This approach dissolves the intimidating barriers often associated with conventional theatre venues. Moreover, introducing Shakespeare to youth through stage before text allows a more intimate and welcoming engagement.

At its heart, Albion Theatre is dedicated to delivering top-tier theatre to communities, emphasizing unity, accessibility, and artistic excellence.

A young blonde lady wearing gym attire and a bridal veil runs through the audience
Sadie Townsend amongst the crowd.
It's with utmost pleasure...
Leo Graham in a saucy pink suit introduces an afternoon performance
Leo Graham introducing a performance in Tower hamlets.
The cast of 'Much Ado About Nothing' dancing